
Showing posts from January, 2025

Contrasting countries Japan and China

 This week we have been learning about China in preparation for celebrating Chinese New Year next week. We have looked at famous landmarks in the UK and China, talked about the weather, food, money and animals. The children were so good at spotting things that are the same as our country and things that are very different!  We had a visit from Hannah's mum who talked to us about Japan, it was lovely to hear about another contrasting countries to the UK, we learnt how many things are the same in Japan and a few traditions which are different to ours. 

Phonics week 3

We have been working super hard on trying to learn our tricky words and reading words with digraphs in. The children have been playing games and have been writing tricky words in our Drawing club sessions.   

Phonics Week 2 digraphs


Week 3 - Bikeability


Week 3 - Adventure Time


Phonics - Tricky Trevor Visit

  Today we had a visit from Tricky Trevor. He talked about what makes certain words tricky and helped us find all the tricky parts in each word. 

Making fruit ice lollies
